Thursday, September 15, 2011

Individual Biography-Brinkmann

Columbus was a very big part in the legacy of America. Before Columbus, it was thought that the world was flat and if one were to sail west they would fall of the earth. In 1492 Christopher Columbus saild accros the Atlantic Ocean, Expecting to land in Japan, but instead discoverd America. When he arrived he thought he had found new land that was empty. He quickly discovered that there was already life there with the indian tribes. Columbus was born it Genoa, Present day Italy, in 1451. Not alot was know about Christopher's childhood but he was a very smart kid. By the time he was an adult he was able to speak several languages and exceled in the English and literature department. He started sailing when he was 14 years old, and then in the 70's he started going along on trading trips. I think that is the biggest reason that enspired him to sail east and reach America. I don't belive he would have found America if he had not been raised the way he did. The fact that sailing was part of his life from his younger years and on, is the reason that he decided to sail west, and find America. Columbus made alot of enimies really fast. When he first arrived to the new world, the indians thought he was great, He had them convinced that he was the nicest man ever. Until he relized the money he could get from them. He started killing and taking all indians money that he could. He quickly became an enemy to the indians in America



Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Andrew Bailey. The American Pageant: a History of the Republic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print
"Christopher Columbus - Biography of Christopher Columbus." Geography Home Page - Geography at Web. 15 Sept. 2011.
"Christopher Columbus." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Sept. 2011. <>.

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